While you may know a company blog is important, sometimes having the time or inspiration is not so easy.
To be a great blogger, you need to understand your audience, convey useful information, write engaging content, and most importantly, constantly come up with blog ideas.
But being an effective blogger, takes time. Wouldn’t you rather spend that time working on your business?
That being said, the value of a blog cannot be overlooked. Consider these reasons for having a blog:
1. Lead generation.B2B marketers with blogs generate 67% more leads, according to a HubSpot survey
2. Brand awareness. Blogs are cost-effective marketing investments. Every post you publish is a long-term asset that helps build brand awareness and promote your expertise, products, and services. Blogs can be repurposed on social media again and again.
3. Marketing tool. A 2014-2015 study by HubSpot found that companies thatblog are 13 times more likely to generate a positive marketing ROI.
4. Thought leadership. Blogs allow you to establish yourself as an authority in your industry, and to build relationships with your customers.
5. SEO. A blog increases your Web presence, especially if you include keywords in your blog posts. Without a blog, it’s tougher to get on the first page of Google for your target keywords.
Of course, knowing the reasons for a blog still doesn’t mean you have the time to devote to one. But, what if you outsourced your blog to a company that makes your blog posts a priority? Companies all around the globe have discovered that outsourcing blog post writing is the ideal way to get the best of both worlds.
By hiring a PR firm with blog writing expertise such as Alpine Communications, you can focus on your day-to-day work, and still have a productive, engaging blog. You don’t have to split your energies, or those of your employees, between blog writing and something else. Even better, when you work with a team dedicated to your blog, you don’t have to come up with blog topics or understanding blog language like keywords, content marketing, SEO, social media, and a myriad of other elements that make blogging effective.
When you hire a content management team, you get the following benefits:
· A person/team who can take what you do and put it into language that appeals to the customer/guest reader.
· Expertise in things like using keywords, META tags, links, proper formatting, impactful images, attention-grabbing headlines, and much more.
· Contrary to what one might think, turnaround time is typically quicker than when working in house because the deadlines are established.
Hiring a team to craft your company’s blog posts is a practical way to promote your company’s online presence while still focusing on your daily activities and agenda. Don’t let your expertise go unnoticed. Talk to Alpine Communications today to learn how we can help you make the most of your company blog.