If your business is not growing, then now is the time to seriously focus on public relations; conversely, if your business is booming, then now is the time to keep investing in PR. After all, without PR your business will simply become one of the many in your industry, rather than the one that stands out from the crowd.
Of course, there are many different approaches to successful PR marketing. You may choose to focus on social media, rely on press releases, or utilize any number of social media options. But, for a PR campaign that gets noticed, you will need to do keep the following in mind:
9 PR Tips to Stand Out from the Crowd:
1. Create an Online Press Kit – This kit should be in digital format and contain executive bios, headshots, hi-res logos, About Us information, and any other items that will help introduce your company to the media. Post it on your website’s Newsroom and consider storing it in an online folder such as Dropbox so you can easily send a link whenever it is requested.
2. Develop an Elevator Pitch – Write a 50-word description of your company that anyone can understand. Mainstream reporters need a simple explanation of who you are and what you have to offer. Talk to your PR team, and be sure that you have an Elevator Pitch written for several different types of audiences.
3. Be Flexible – Especially in the beginning, it can be necessary to test out a few approaches and methods to see what works. You may need to re-evaluate keywords, re-write media announcements, or experiment with your social media approach. Being locked in to something just because you like it, doesn’t mean that it is going to reach your audience.
4. Controversy is Good – Reporters love controversial opinions and approaches, so be ready with soundbites or quotes that a reporter will be eager to use. This is especially true when writing an op-ed or bylined article.
5. Vendor Neutrality – Look for vendor-neutral ways to speak about your industry. Think about any concerns or problems your customer may have with your product and find ways to address them with useful tips.
6. Be Open Minded – It is uncommon for a sales lead to bring results immediately, and as vital as SEO is, it is not going to turn over right away. When it comes to measuring PR success, it will take on several shapes, so have a number of quantitative and qualitative factors that indicate growth. Some factors to consider include media placements, reporter interactions, growth in social media audiences, placement of key messages, and customer surveys. This is particularly true in newer markets, such as vaping for instance. To learn more about how SEO can be useful for vaping businesses, check out this guide to Vape Store SEO.
7. Content Calendars – Create content and editorial calendars ahead of time for your various channels and keep them up to date. Share the calendars with the team so everyone knows what is being planned. Consider planning time each day/week to discuss with your team what is on tap.
8. Be an Expert – Be on the lookout for opportunities to position yourself as an expert. Talk to reporters, visit industry-related events, write a post for a website, or do a guest column for your local paper or trade.
9. Awareness – Consider setting up a free Google Alerts for business and your competitors, to keep up with breaking news. If there is a story you particularly enjoy, be sure to contact the author and say so and then offer to lend your expertise.
These are but a few ideas for creating a PR approach that gets noticed. As professional PR marketers, Alpine Communications understands what it takes to get the word out about your company. If you have questions regarding how to get your company noticed, contact an Alpine PR Pro today.