thumbs upWhile marketing one’s product or services is a huge part of business, there is more to being successful than just having a good marketing campaign. For any business to be truly successful and frequently sought after, it is vital that one get good reviews.  As Matt Parsons of PowerReviews states, “The more feedback retailers can obtain to shed light on the motivation for purchase, the better success they’ll have in marketing their products and building buyer confidence.”

Still not sure about the power of a positive review? Consider these facts regarding the importance of reviews:

·         90% of respondents who recalled reading online reviews claimed that positive online reviews influenced buying decisions. (Dimensional Research)

·         85% of consumers said they read up to 10 reviews before feeling they can trust a business. (Search Engine Land)

·         50 or more reviews per product can mean a 4.6% increase in conversion rates. (Reevoo Stats)

·         39% of consumers said they read reviews on a regular basis to determine whether a local business is a good business. (Search Engine Land)

·         70% of reviews come from post purchase emails.

But, how does one go about collecting customer reviews? Sure, we would like to think that every pleased customer would take time to fill out a review, but it’s not always that simple. Rather, you will need to be proactive in collecting customer reviews.  To help you start capturing those reviews, here are some ways cited by Website Magazine that you can apply.

Since the large portion of reviews come as a result of a follow up email, be certain that your email is written in such a way to garner reviews. Have simple Call to Action (CTA) lines by using comments and questions such as “Why did you purchase this item?” and “Who was this item for?”

Make it easy to leave a review when the order is placed by having a section that appears after the order is placed. Ask questions regarding the ease of use of your website, why they purchased the product, and any other questions that may be applicable at that stage of the buying process.

Don’t make leaving a review a long, drawn out process or overwhelm them with too many questions. Quite often people don’t leave a review because the numerous CTAs, banners, and links in a review are distracting. Keeping the process simple will result in more reviews.

Don’t forget your venue. If you have a brick and mortar location, take time to ask shoppers while they are in the store to fill out a review.  In addition, having a rewards program database or asking them to share their email at checkout so they can be registered for coupons or a contest entry can also encourage more reviews.

Be creative. There are many ways to encourage client reviews. Brainstorm ideas and don’t be afraid to try something new – you never know when what seems crazy to you might be the perfect approach for collecting that winning review.

Collecting client reviews is a must if you want to build your business. They are a key part of your public relations approach and it should be easy for your customers to be able to leave them. If you have questions regarding how to get more or better reviews, improving your PR approach or boosting your online presence, contact the Alpine Communications team today. We are here to help.